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Welcome to the BTC Bashers Club, But Don't Worry, We Don't Give a Hoot

$BTC/USD (BTCUSD.CC)$ $Ethereum (ETH.CC)$ $Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$
Ah, the crypto column on moomoo, where the brave and bold gather to discuss all things Bitcoin, Ethereum, and everything in between. But wait, what's this? A few of our dear moomoo users have wandered into the crypto den, armed with nothing but skepticism, disdain, and a firm belief that Bitcoin is just a passing fad. How delightful!

Yes, we're talking about those folks who couldn't resist the urge to bash BTC, as if their negative vibes could somehow reverse the approval of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs by the U.S. government. It's cute, really. They pop into the crypto column with all the confidence of someone who's never seen a blockchain in their life, ready to drop the same tired lines we've all heard before: "Bitcoin is a bubble," "Crypto has no real value," and the classic, "It's all going to zero."
But here's the thing, my fellow crypto enthusiasts,we genuinely don't give a damn about their opinions. This column isn't for them. It's for us, the ones who see the potential, who ride the waves of fear and optimism, and who understand that innovation isn't always met with open arms.
So, to those who can't resist the urge to bash what they don’t understand: Welcome! We see you. We hear you. And we’re going to keep doing our thing regardless. After all, while you’re busy writing off the future, we’re too busy living it. Feel free to stick around, but remember this space is for genuine discussion, shared experiences, and a community that’s more interested in the possibilities than the pitfalls.
As for your anti-crypto commentary? Thanks, but no thanks. We’ll take it from here.
Welcome to the BTC Bashers Club, But Don't Worry, We Don't Give a Hoot
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    Full-time trader for Crypto and Derivatives products. Moving from manual to Algo trading in 2024.