Quantum, Tesla, bitcoin, semiconductors, biotech... a wide range of choices, selecting stocks that are profitable while maintaining a strong presence. It's amazing ️ I hope SOXL continues to perform well.I always support you! Please continue to provide valuable information for beginners in the future. Thank you in advance.
I will let SOXL sleep in a separate account and open the treasure box in a few years I will also work hard on short to medium-term investment at MuMu, next year will be strong~ hahaha
U_JI : Congratulations!
J_M_RIN OP U_JI : thank you!
tena0623 : 3000 dollarsThat's amazing ️ Congratulations!
J_M_RIN OP tena0623 : After the market, Super Micro soared and reached $3400.
tena0623 J_M_RIN OP : Quantum, Tesla, bitcoin, semiconductors, biotech... a wide range of choices, selecting stocks that are profitable while maintaining a strong presence. It's amazing ️ I hope SOXL continues to perform well.I always support you! Please continue to provide valuable information for beginners in the future. Thank you in advance.
J_M_RIN OP tena0623 : I will let SOXL sleep in a separate account and open the treasure box in a few years I will also work hard on short to medium-term investment at MuMu, next year will be strong~ hahaha
eastcows : Congratulations . It's truly amazing, the Gingko way!
J_M_RIN OP eastcows : Thank you very much~ I am constantly monitoring around 40 stocks while keeping a close watch, aiming only for winning positions.
ONON : Well done! Your choice is excellent
J_M_RIN OP ONON : I grew up in Jerky Chen, haha. Thank you
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