152542240 : Great!
103665306 OP 152542240 : A green opening is a good time to have a chance
105069706 103665306 OP : If you want to open the market in green, it depends on whether the bookmaker is doing anything
103665306 OP 105069706 : Bearish momentum is still strong.
103665306 OP 105069706 : 14.0 Selling 41k Shares
105069706 103665306 OP : I saw whales
152542240 : Great!
103665306 OP 152542240 : A green opening is a good time to have a chance

105069706 103665306 OP : If you want to open the market in green, it depends on whether the bookmaker is doing anything
103665306 OP 105069706 : Bearish momentum is still strong.
103665306 OP 105069706 : 14.0 Selling 41k Shares
105069706 103665306 OP : I saw whales