KeepRelaxToTrend : You won't see his nonsense when it's blue. Where is Apple, if that's right
MoneyMonster888 : He's ready to jump
102710538 : He went to buy the marijuana stock Canopy Growth and fell to the point where he couldn't go home. He probably still smokes marijuana outside
会开花的云朵 OP : You all know who I'm talking about hahahaha
KeepRelaxToTrend : You won't see his nonsense when it's blue. Where is Apple, if that's right
MoneyMonster888 : He's ready to jump
102710538 : He went to buy the marijuana stock Canopy Growth and fell to the point where he couldn't go home. He probably still smokes marijuana outside
会开花的云朵 OP : You all know who I'm talking about hahahaha