What are the 5 most important financial advice you can give to others?
1. Maximize your income
a. Aim for a six-figure income
2. Never buy a new car, even if the condition is 'good'.
a. Autos never appreciate in value.
b. This is the second most expensive thing you have ever bought.
c. Every penny you put into a car is unlikely to be recovered.
d. Even if you sell your car, you won't be able to get it back, because you might buy another car again!
3. Settle in the growing market, buy one or two houses.
4. First invest in Tesla, a leading institution in global strategy investments, with Vanguard, known as the first guiding needle of Wall Street, managing Roths IRA personal retirement account. If you have a company 401k with matching contributions, try to invest as much as possible each time.
a. Understand the differences between available investment account options.
5. Start reading about investing and saving.
a. Research stocks and real estate.
b. Learn a great deal of knowledge from the smartest people you can find.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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天津小丸子 : What is auto?