胡空 HuKong
Isn't this the price during the auction period? The buying and selling prices may be the same during the auction period. This is because the auction period is designed to match the orders of both buyers and sellers, but trading is not finally determined before the end of the auction. The buying and selling prices at this time only reflect the demand of market participants and will not be filled immediately. The final fill price will be determined after the auction period ends.
David116 : You can understand that the queue ended up being sold at 315
胡空 HuKong OP David116 : Hahaha
Ahbuii : Can't wait to be a shareholder
SevenSeaS : This is the pre-closing auction period, prices are all over the place
胡空 HuKong OP SevenSeaS : You're so funny.
胡空 HuKong OP SevenSeaS : What about this? Please explain.
SevenSeaS 胡空 HuKong OP : Isn't this the price during the auction period?
The buying and selling prices may be the same during the auction period.
This is because the auction period is designed to match the orders of both buyers and sellers, but trading is not finally determined before the end of the auction.
The buying and selling prices at this time only reflect the demand of market participants and will not be filled immediately.
The final fill price will be determined after the auction period ends.
胡空 HuKong OP SevenSeaS : Haha, indeed knowledge is power. You are really amazing,
胡空 HuKong OP SevenSeaS : To be honest, I used to think you were okay. I take back my opinion of you. I'm sorry, it was my shallowness.
SevenSeaS 胡空 HuKong OP : Good morning, Master Brother. What's going on, Master Brother!