Since it is a stock traded by a fraud group, if it goes up to their target value, it will start selling all at once. The timing is unfathomable, so I think it's a good stock not to dabble in.
There seems to be no choice but to get tricked into buying in large quantities, then give up if it's all gone down, and wait for the gang to restart.
181279459 : It was done quite a bit at 02187, so I hope it goes up little by little.
Abenjer : Since it is a stock traded by a fraud group, if it goes up to their target value, it will start selling all at once.
The timing is unfathomable, so I think it's a good stock not to dabble in.
OXLEO OP Abenjer : There seems to be no choice but to get tricked into buying in large quantities, then give up if it's all gone down, and wait for the gang to restart.