Record Date means the date that the company will determine who is the owner of the shares for dividend at that time in point. Since Sgp shares are settled in T+2, you must bought the shares on 28 May. You will be the rightful share owner in 30 May. That is why 29 May is the ex-date (after dividend recognition date). So you will get any dividend when you buy the shares on 29 May.
上班对冲风险投资 : check this: FAQ:Where Does My Dividend Go?
CatchYou : Record Date means the date that the company will determine who is the owner of the shares for dividend at that time in point. Since Sgp shares are settled in T+2, you must bought the shares on 28 May. You will be the rightful share owner in 30 May. That is why 29 May is the ex-date (after dividend recognition date). So you will get any dividend when you buy the shares on 29 May.
103724671 CatchYou : So if I buy it on the 29th, can I really enjoy the dividend