Forever Learning : rumors
跟着我一起飞 : Feels cheap, buy two stealing chickens
Forever Learning 跟着我一起飞 : fall till stop limit, panic selling for the rumours
Sonny Teoh Forever Learning : What rumor?
辉爷 : Macc
cyberzigot : trading suspended ?
Grassland888 辉爷 : who is the director?
CY90 : The managing director of a company that sells 650 hectares of Malay Reserve and Fiemu Real Estate was arrested
SorosMalaya : not discount , this director problem , tomorrow sure LD again .
Forever Learning : rumors
跟着我一起飞 : Feels cheap, buy two stealing chickens
Forever Learning 跟着我一起飞 : fall till stop limit, panic selling for the rumours
Sonny Teoh Forever Learning : What rumor?
辉爷 : Macc
cyberzigot : trading suspended ?
Grassland888 辉爷 : who is the director?
CY90 : The managing director of a company that sells 650 hectares of Malay Reserve and Fiemu Real Estate was arrested
SorosMalaya : not discount , this director problem , tomorrow sure LD again .