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Earnings flood from China's stocks: Is a turnaround on the horizon?
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What Happened in China This Week

1. Tuesday: China’s stimulus measures announced by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) lacked detail and were seen as underwhelming by many investors.

2. Saturday: There is renewed optimism after the Ministry of Finance held a press conference announcing the following new policies:

• Allocate 400 billion yuan (US$56.57 billion) from the local government debt balance limit to expand local financial resources.
• Tap into an unused bond quota of 2.3 trillion yuan (US$325.3 billion) for local governments.
• Introduce a one-time, large-scale debt ceiling increase for local governments to restructure hidden debts.
• Allow local governments to use special bonds to purchase idle land from struggling developers.
• Use special bonds to purchase existing commercial homes, focusing on government-subsidized housing rather than new construction.
• Optimize tax policies and explore the abolition of value-added tax on ordinary residential buildings.
• Double the quota for college student subsidies and increase the per-person amount.

3. This time, we received more concrete details, and more policies are expected to be announced, especially after approval by the National People’s Congress. Given this continued government support, markets should perform better in the coming week.

4. During the Golden Week holiday, there were a 5.9% increase from last year and a 10.2% rise from 2019. Domestic travel spending also grew 6.3% year-on-year, or a 7.9% increase from 2019.

5. Additionally, Alipay transactions in overseas markets surged by 60% compared to the previous year, with the fastest growth in Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Consumer confidence in China is showing signs of recovery.

6. Chinese Douyin Xiao Lan was banned from the plaform after telling his audience that the stock market open on 8th Oct will definetly rise which millions of his followers believed and got cuaght up in the fomo of chasing the high of the market.
What Happened in China This Week
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  • 102180832 : The observation is the ccp seems to have much inferior finance tactics in reviving their economy , 10 years ago the Chinese are so boastful of their future . Today their youth do but even seem a glimpse of future

  • 151872513 102180832 : It has always been like that under a communist regeme. They have slow feedback from the market, by the time they understand what it needs they will need to undo a whole lot of changes.

    What the communist regeme is good at is rapidly develop an industry out of nowhere, whether it ia EVs, semiconductors, commericial planes etc...as they can direct a nations wealth into a few sectors.

    But yeah, your point is totally valid.

  • 102180832 151872513 : This time it’s totally different . No western countries want to  invest in China anymore in its stock market . There are major political overtones .  If one nation is so ambitious to take everything on the table and there is no negotiation, everyone else will oppose you . And the Chinese themselves are also killing themselves  that their youth are also seeing a bleak future not to participate in the work till you die mentality

  • 151872513 : I live in a western country for my entire life and I am pro democracy, but I got to be fair. it is the western countries that refuse to negotiate. These sanctions and tariffes were the results of shutting down any negotiation attempts.

    As for the youths, they were actually destroyed by one child policy. Due to the culture is more family orientated than the individualism in western societies, parents there are willing to provide their children with more financial support and put up with their detachment from reality. The youths there refuse to take up any factory jobs despite there is a shortage of skilled labour in China because they can always fall back on their parents.

    Their parents generation basically went into voluntary slavery in the 80s and 90s to work for US and European businesses that set up shop in China just to survive because they had nothing to fall back on.

    Put it this way, my father is Chinese he had 4 other siblings, his oldest brother left home at the age of 15 to find work and forced to become independant. Because my grand parents couldn't afford to feed him anymore. My father was the fortunate one that got to leave at 18.

    Image if all of them stayed home till their 30s and refused to work in labour jobs.

  • TWeiT : The stimulus are coming in drips and pieces. Lacking the impact market needed.

  • LookJock : The Chinese stock market is just a big liar, and every time it's the first ordinary person

  • 102180832 151872513 : If a national took all the high value chain items , then who will be the slaves of the world , China is overcompensating from the exploitation they faced in the last 2 centuries . No one wants to lose that much if they had the power to resist . Frankly the last decades seen young Chinese being overconfident to the point of arrogance . Where are they now ? They realized they are being squeezed to uphold the national aspirations or some entity aspiration

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