Lot of wallstreetbets regards have taken loans and sunk their gramma’s inheritance into INTC. It ain’t the time for it! There are so many better choices such as AMD. Only regarded gamblers will put money on this. That includes myself.
NoobGirl : well... only time can tell... if you don't buy now... maybe when the time comes it will be too late?
Avalanche雪崩哥 NoobGirl : Lot of wallstreetbets regards have taken loans and sunk their gramma’s inheritance into INTC. It ain’t the time for it! There are so many better choices such as AMD. Only regarded gamblers will put money on this. That includes myself.
XavierNomic OP : folks, this is not a buy or sell calls. Just fyi
Sean Parker NoobGirl : that's what options are for. buy now, earn later