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Invest with Sarge: Live replays and Highlights
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Invest With Sarge: What investors might watch for in 2024's second half

What investors might watch for in 2024's second half
Jul 10 08:00
Dear mooers, Sarge is back again to our live-streaming event. This time, we will talk about market trends and forecasts for the upcoming quarters of 2024.
As we move into the second half of the year, many investors are curious about what might be on the horizon. With the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite hitting new all-time highs in the first half of 2024, the market has shown remarkable strength. The S&P 500, for example, gained 15.2% in the first half alone and 33% from its October 27, 2023, intraday low to the end of the first half.
What factors should investors consider to forecast where the markets might head next? Steve "Sarge" Guilfoyle will provide us with a comprehensive overview of potential market trends. We will discuss key themes for the upcoming earnings season, factors influencing the sustainability of the current market rally, and important economic indicatorsto watch.
Additionally, we will cover the Federal Reserve's upcoming meetings and potential rate cuts, international market influences from the Bank of Japan, and the impact of U.S. politics on the markets. Steve will also touch on the performance of the Mag 7 and meme stocks.
You are welcome to ask any questions related to this topic. Stephen will address your inquiries during the live broadcast. Submit a complete question under this post, and you'll receive 100 Moo points, plus another 1,000 if we use your question on air.
[Stephen's Full Bio]
Stephen "Sarge" Guilfoyle is the founder and President of Sarge986 LLC, a family-run trading operation. An NYSE floor trader for over 30 years, Guilfoyle has served as the Chief Market Economist for Stuart Frankel & Co., the U.S. Economist for Meridian Equity Partners, and as a Vice President in Block Trading and Investment Banking with Credit Suisse over the years. Guilfoyle earned his nickname "Sarge" while serving as an actual sergeant in reserve components of the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Army while simultaneously working on Wall Street. He self-identifies as a day trader, long-term investor, and anything. He believes in removing emotion from the decision-making process and trusting the data. Follow Stephen "Sarge" Guilfoyle on the moomoo community for a mix of fundamentals, technical analysis, economic commentary, and trading ideas.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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  • mr_cashcow : Hello sarge! My question is with the presidential election nearing and the potential rate cut incoming should we take a more defensive position? Or is everything business as usual?undefined

  • 102362254 : Question 1 - How do you foresee inflation trends in 2024's second half, and what strategies can we employ to mitigate potential inflation risks?
    Question 2 - Considering the likelihood of rate cuts. Which sectors or assets typically thrive when interest rates decline?

  • Wonder : Appreciate your views on:
    1 . Will the market pullback or correct soon, ahead of u.s. elections which tend to be bullish? If so, which month is most likely to register a dip?
    2. If corporate earnings are good in the upcoming season, what is the probability of a pullback happening?

  • ZnWC : Thanks for sharing in the previous online event undefined

    1. I am more concerned about US-China geopolitical tension. Will the US decouple China after the US presidential election?

    2. Based on your stay in the US, how toxic is the sentiment against China at present? Are the negative sentiment the same across the media, politicians and business people?

    3. What is the probability of the Fed cutting rate this year? 1 cut or none? Any insider info that the lobbyists are encouraging the rate cut?

  • yoongmy : US president election near the corner and Trump has advantage at current stage, will market more volatile and hard to trade during these periods?

  • 103057627 : wonder how interest rate affects stocks in usa? like fund should switch to longer term bond vs ultra short duration?

    Biden vs china? Trump more business friendly. how will these affect stocks dealing with china market?

    technology fund/sector doing well. the value/dividend stocks seem lagging. is this trend continuing?