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What is the market maker playing at?

Actually, it's the block orders.Wash the panIt's not about getting all the retail investors out, otherwise the whole stock will be wasted. And when it comes to boosting, they still need the help of retail investors. So the target of the washout is not to force Diamond Hands to exit, because the strong-handed investors indirectly help to hold the stock. The purpose of the washout is to force the uncertain investors, the short-term Papers Hands, to exit. Because the short-term will cause selling pressure during the boost, and the cost will increase. So it's better to let them exit early.
Stocks are essentially an infinite money, limited shares zero-sum game. When you hold shares, the big players push the price up, attracting sideline watchers, then you fly in as well. The buyers are not us holders of long-term strong positions, but the short-term newcomers.
If you just want to sell and get out, the price of 0.52 may be a selling opportunity. But after waiting for so long, getting out may not mean real profit. Instead of rushing to leave, it's better to consider holding for a longer time, waiting for block orders to push the price further up, the target price may be at 0.80-0.95, or even higher. Are you willing to bear the opportunity cost of waiting for so long and still losing? If everyone cooperates,1.20See above.
Why am I writing this short essay? Am I considering you? Am I so arrogant? Not really 😂 Sometimes you need a temporary partner to survive in the stock market, which is like a battlefield 😂
For those who are fortunate enough to see this post and believe in it, we will meet at the peak when it rises.
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