Again, once it becomes mispriced, it will get a correction. I believe in the Bull trend, so I would say it may pull back to the mid-Bollinger band or around there. It is unlikely to be the bottom Bollinger band for this month, but I don't know, maybe? This is where I enter again for my big option trades just like other times.
花开富贵被重名 : Dear, my goodness, your analysis is really wonderful, I have decided to follow your advice, I will buy SOXS and wait for its days to come.
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP 花开富贵被重名 : Dont buy it yet, buy when SOXL mispriced
花开富贵被重名 ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP : What price is suitable to buy, dear
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP 花开富贵被重名 : Buy it when SOXL hits the 200MA or upper bolinger band. Indicators values are dynamic, it will keep changing. I am not going to hold SOXS much longer, only for about 4-5 days.
花开富贵被重名 ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP : 谢谢
Mrkay95 : what is 200 Ma stand for?
The Bunny Trader : I believe SOXL should reach 45-48 dollars before the end of October
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP Mrkay95 : Moving average
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP The Bunny Trader : Yes I am also culprit of hyping it up. I still think so as well