I love me
Normal as a company hits massive Gaines CEO'S secure profits and all the others do the same. Know they are reloading and will hold over the next 6-12 months and next year I expect stock to be at 250
The Democratic Party is willing to do anything to support the stock market for the election, causing the shareholders of the companies to actively cash out. Everyone is sensible, only the greedy individual investors do not want to miss the so-called market opportunity, and end up getting trapped.
If you were as deep ITM as these position were, once the stock split you would of sold also. It is wha happens after almost every split. The market gets flooded with shares. I am sure we will find things have changed now seeing the ticker seems to be ready to move past previous highs and future revenue streams have been formed to create revenues beyond selling chips.
102514703 : They are all selling at a low price
Deneven Rex : their
小粉红的papa : If institutions make money, of course they will sell. They are not like you small investors. Institutions naturally buy and sell.
锻炼心智 : Almost there. Take care of yourself.
I love me : Normal as a company hits massive Gaines CEO'S secure profits and all the others do the same. Know they are reloading and will hold over the next 6-12 months and next year I expect stock to be at 250
Pity Me OP 锻炼心智 : Almost there before crash?
Too : The Democratic Party is willing to do anything to support the stock market for the election, causing the shareholders of the companies to actively cash out. Everyone is sensible, only the greedy individual investors do not want to miss the so-called market opportunity, and end up getting trapped.
STD0313 : If you were as deep ITM as these position were, once the stock split you would of sold also. It is wha happens after almost every split. The market gets flooded with shares. I am sure we will find things have changed now seeing the ticker seems to be ready to move past previous highs and future revenue streams have been formed to create revenues beyond selling chips.
104790679 I love me : Why only 250? That’s too low.