T-24Century : is about time
AngkorBoy : Hmm did I miss some news? Unfortunately I’m still holding this one and ADTX 🫣
Trytosaveabit OP AngkorBoy : Nope you didn’t miss any new PR! Just a volume spike. Maybe some repositioning? Or some got info early of PR coming?
AngkorBoy Trytosaveabit OP : . I was briefly in the green. Didn’t sell. Too little
Trytosaveabit OP AngkorBoy : It could be interesting in PM??
AngkorBoy Trytosaveabit OP : It looks that way. Volume has been increasing
T-24Century : is about time
AngkorBoy : Hmm did I miss some news? Unfortunately I’m still holding this one and ADTX 🫣
Trytosaveabit OP AngkorBoy : Nope you didn’t miss any new PR! Just a volume spike. Maybe some repositioning? Or some got info early of PR coming?
AngkorBoy Trytosaveabit OP : . I was briefly in the green. Didn’t sell. Too little
Trytosaveabit OP AngkorBoy : It could be interesting in PM??
AngkorBoy Trytosaveabit OP : It looks that way. Volume has been increasing