1836472636272847 : What is diluted cost?
jellybeen OP 1836472636272847 : average cost per share
第一个一百万 jellybeen OP : gangs
ZN28 1836472636272847 : the price at what he purchased
TestLa Kopi : Diluted cost differs from the average cost, which only considers buy transactions and does not factor in realized profits/losses from sells.
101644863 TestLa Kopi : really admire your DISIPLINE not to have sold along the way
TestLa Kopi 101644863 :
1836472636272847 : What is diluted cost?
jellybeen OP 1836472636272847 : average cost per share
第一个一百万 jellybeen OP : gangs
ZN28 1836472636272847 : the price at what he purchased
TestLa Kopi : Diluted cost differs from the average cost, which only considers buy transactions and does not factor in realized profits/losses from sells.
101644863 TestLa Kopi : really admire your DISIPLINE not to have sold along the way
TestLa Kopi 101644863 :