It’s under POSITION TAB. You should check your original amount of shares you had before. After conversion, it should be less shares left. For example, if you were had 500 shares before, you should have 50 shares with higher price. Whatever leftover will be added on your share count.
102759269 : Already received mine upon market open yesterday
usersign OP 102759269 : Where can see if creditted
conscientious Ibex_8 usersign OP : They said there will be no record of it happening. You just have to keep track of your shares.
Zerocool888 usersign OP : It’s under POSITION TAB. You should check your original amount of shares you had before. After conversion, it should be less shares left. For example, if you were had 500 shares before, you should have 50 shares with higher price. Whatever leftover will be added on your share count.