上班对冲风险投资 : check this: FAQ:Where Does My Dividend Go?
101573958 OP 上班对冲风险投资 : so if I sell now I still get the dividend?
JDO802257 101573958 OP : Yes. Because today onwards is traded as Ex-Income.
101573958 OP JDO802257 : TQ
SPVS : Don't you have to wait until after closing today for a dividend? Sorry, I'm new.
Yen9981 : Look here, nomainee acc will be a few days late
上班对冲风险投资 : check this: FAQ:Where Does My Dividend Go?
101573958 OP 上班对冲风险投资 : so if I sell now I still get the dividend?
JDO802257 101573958 OP : Yes. Because today onwards is traded as Ex-Income.
101573958 OP JDO802257 : TQ
SPVS : Don't you have to wait until after closing today for a dividend? Sorry, I'm new.
Yen9981 : Look here, nomainee acc will be a few days late