Sleeping. he's already given the game plan away and others have researched and published how to play. Last time round a sleeping kitten marked his hiatus, this time Bruno disappearing into the walls. Check Reddit, X, YouTube. It's well researched, he's no longer needed publicly and can avoid been dragged into stock manipulation lawsuits.
Arktheship : Having breakfast with the gf ‘hello kitty’
cmawer : Sleeping. he's already given the game plan away and others have researched and published how to play. Last time round a sleeping kitten marked his hiatus, this time Bruno disappearing into the walls. Check Reddit, X, YouTube. It's well researched, he's no longer needed publicly and can avoid been dragged into stock manipulation lawsuits.
Calls, FTDs, T+35, ETFs, Gamma Ramp, Stock spike.
TakeMeToTheMooN :