As always, this is not investment advice. Good luck trading. Be careful and be patient. Dont anticipate the market. Rather, participate in the market. Give your investments time. Don't be greedy. Don't invest in anything you don't understand. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Don't listen to the hype. Don't fomo or panic into or out of trades. Do your own due diligence. And just follow the trends. A trend is your friend.
Trwils1230 : evergrande
BiscuitBoy : Fcel
SpyderCall OP Trwils1230 : LOL! Nice one
SpyderCall OP BiscuitBoy : That would be another group b stock
FiReBiTriXiE : Apples and oranges you’re comparing long term investment stocks with day traders and shortie or meme stocks just saying these are not the same types of investment strategies so to speaking group B would be great investments for shorties obviously lol group A would be best for the long term investors! Obviously so I’d say compare a group of Bwith other B companies and A with A companies
FiReBiTriXiE : But I’d retire with group A but have fun with group be I’d pick both if there were an option
SpyderCall OP FiReBiTriXiE : I can see your argument.
MuscMoo : this is more poor advice. you suggest people buy things that are already going up. but what about when the trend suddenly stops. or when it peeters out? you're better off finding a niche that you understand, do your homework and then buy and hold. your method involves a lot of trading(and a lot of fees). studies consistently show that people who buy etf's do better than those buying individual stocks. it's the same idea. the big problem is folks like you who think you understand a wide range of Industries, and can make money by following some imaginary trend
Trwils1230 MuscMoo : evergrande already 130% up
SpyderCall OP MuscMoo : I trade options mostly. the fees are minimal. I made a lot of money overnight tonight. I didn't even pay over a dollars worth of fees. I paid less than 0.00001 percent of the profit I made today in fees. Fees are definitely not a problem with options.
And if I need to follow an imaginary line to make these kinds of gains in one day, then I am all for that.
You could do this also, ya know. You just gotta get out of that AMC/Ape mindset. There are billions of dollars in transactions taking place every day. You just gotta figure out how to get a piece of it.
And I've been trading a long time. This imaginary line method pays my bills.
Good luck with your AMC bag my friend. Whenever you want to invest in something besides AMC, then let me know. I could help you make some options money.
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