103880835 : Please check under your revenue. You should see your daily income from the fund.
Hank6633 : tomorrow just will recieve your interest
Dadacai : Investment funds depend on subscription and redemption rules. It's not immediately profitable.
棉花糖 OP Dadacai : It turns out thank you guys, saving money for the first time is still being studied
Dadacai 棉花糖 OP : There is a link to the rules in the upper right corner of the subscription and redemption page.
103880835 : Please check under your revenue. You should see your daily income from the fund.
Hank6633 : tomorrow just will recieve your interest
Dadacai : Investment funds depend on subscription and redemption rules. It's not immediately profitable.
棉花糖 OP Dadacai : It turns out thank you guys, saving money for the first time is still being studied
Dadacai 棉花糖 OP : There is a link to the rules in the upper right corner of the subscription and redemption page.