Don't worry, around 30th or 31st u check your fund detail which records all your transaction in and out. There you find FUND DIVIDEND, this fund will transfer the earning to your account every month end and your capital maintain same as your initial investment.
105676672 : same, deduct then after a few minutes back to normal
炎热的夏天 : Why are you only seeing loss of money? If you make money and add it back, just ignore it?
103536895 105676672 : same...WTF is maybank scamming us?
105336189 : Don't worry, around 30th or 31st u check your fund detail which records all your transaction in and out. There you find FUND DIVIDEND, this fund will transfer the earning to your account every month end and your capital maintain same as your initial investment.
Investomaniac : Fund dividen every month. Why so exaggerated. Gv u dividen masuk ur pocket nt gd meh
102596151 : Ur 27.60 is on the way. Be patient need wait few days.
ChtMY : Same to me too. Anyone know about this?
103784360 : The same