Bear 108 : Is it Your previous share is 1000 (50x20)?Use your previous shares divided by 20. See is it correct. That y it is 20:1 after consolidation. Mine is correct.
靈敏的克勞瑞絲 : Where to find out how many shares you had before
101523211 : Hi I before is 1300 share now become 650 only what happened
101523211 : Should I sell away ?
Bear 108 101523211 : It should be 13000 shares then you get 650 now
Bear 108 : Is it Your previous share is 1000 (50x20)?Use your previous shares divided by 20. See is it correct. That y it is 20:1 after consolidation. Mine is correct.
靈敏的克勞瑞絲 : Where to find out how many shares you had before
101523211 : Hi I before is 1300 share now become 650 only what happened
101523211 : Should I sell away ?
Bear 108 101523211 : It should be 13000 shares then you get 650 now