103848147 : I see from the chart buying more than selling. Bid is for buying. Ask is for selling.
101877207 OP 103848147 : Ya but it selling so low price and buy with high price , it abnormal but success transaction deal
103128768 : All this number show in between time from 4.45 to 4.49 is not a true current trading value. True value only can see on time at 4.50.
101877207 OP 103128768 : Huh how come ? There is trading rules behind ?
103128768 : Trading stop accept any key in start from time 4.45.
101877207 OP 103128768 : Ok then the ask and sell at that moment is based on ?
103128768 101877207 OP : I check a lot of counters are having same pattern everyday. They are appear very wide gap number between buy and sell. I think this bursa Malaysia system error
103128768 103128768 : Only appear on this time frame 4.45 to 4.49
101877207 OP 103128768 : I see okok understand . Thanks a you for explaining, I just feel very curious
BSDLucky : this is called “pre-closing phase”. you might want to read this com/sites/5d809...
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103848147 : I see from the chart buying more than selling. Bid is for buying. Ask is for selling.
101877207 OP 103848147 : Ya but it selling so low price and buy with high price , it abnormal but success transaction deal
103128768 : All this number show in between time from 4.45 to 4.49 is not a true current trading value. True value only can see on time at 4.50.
101877207 OP 103128768 : Huh how come ? There is trading rules behind ?
103128768 : Trading stop accept any key in start from time 4.45.
101877207 OP 103128768 : Ok then the ask and sell at that moment is based on ?
103128768 101877207 OP : I check a lot of counters are having same pattern everyday. They are appear very wide gap number between buy and sell. I think this bursa Malaysia system error
103128768 103128768 : Only appear on this time frame 4.45 to 4.49
101877207 OP 103128768 : I see okok understand . Thanks a you for explaining, I just feel very curious
BSDLucky : this is called “pre-closing phase”. you might want to read this
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