Tesla's gone all in, making a slick site and even buying Google ads to say "Elon's worth it!" Elon's got some sweet Texas Gigafactory tours to win hearts. 🤘 Some YouTubers are making videos left and right, saying "If we don't vote 'yes', Elon might bounce, and that's not good for anyone!" But the 'nay' team's got a gripe, too. They wrote a letter saying the pay's just too much and it'll water down our shares.
JjSs : Tesla needs to show share holders The Money.
Kasin : Next richest man in the world
溫馨提示 Kasin : 2 years ago maybe now need follow lines (stock don’t going up how to rich) Nvda ceo next
R7CO120 : Lets go tesla
71722548 : yes
PepsiCo : I feel that he's losing interest in Tesla and wants to focus more on SpaceX now. Part of the reason why I don't own Tesla stock
not-a-cow : He's a grifter. The real Tesla is spinning in his grave.
Sianzsation : Puzzled, does he really need those money? Money won't be a problem for his entire life. Power or fame huh ~ why drag shareholders into it...
White_Shadow : Elon is a Reptilian
JBJBA : dang Skippy
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