102676525 : The meeting today was very good, maybe we will share some good news with us expectantly!
102676525 : Aiming at 2.50 seatrium.
Detached House : Could it be sell on news since price came up quite a fair bit the last few weeks?
VaderMoomoo : today got meeting ya
102918195 VaderMoomoo : meeting? start pay dividend? should pay soon
Winstock : What time does the meeting end today
0MATRIX0 : when is the meeting?
JJ trader : Why all of you share holders are here talking. Go join the meeting.
102676525 : The meeting today was very good, maybe we will share some good news with us expectantly!
102676525 : Aiming at 2.50 seatrium.
Detached House : Could it be sell on news since price came up quite a fair bit the last few weeks?
VaderMoomoo : today got meeting ya
102918195 VaderMoomoo : meeting? start pay dividend? should pay soon
Winstock : What time does the meeting end today
0MATRIX0 : when is the meeting?
JJ trader : Why all of you share holders are here talking. Go join the meeting.