The company added FAQ about how to avoid being borrowed by short seller. It’s very interesting company. They know who they are and how their stock is.
I bought AMC at 6 and sold at 10 during that time. But I held the stock for months and it was really struggling while holding the bag.
Shroomie : up almost 40% in 2 days
70195760 : The company added FAQ about how to avoid being borrowed by short seller. It’s very interesting company. They know who they are and how their stock is.
70195760 EthiCapitalist : You are comparing with AMC. Is this already the next meme stock? I don’t want to miss the train to the moon!
70195760 EthiCapitalist : I bought AMC at 6 and sold at 10 during that time. But I held the stock for months and it was really struggling while holding the bag.