moomoo didn't give me my shares. so I'm sitting here watching money that I won't make. anyone else having this problem? the DTC needs to release some shares.
I’ve had that problem here and so did @Jaguar8 and we raised holy hel*! I haven’t had it happen since! And I don’t believe he has either!
Den the Dragon : fast&furious... congratulations
Lnova : It needs another halt
Lnova : going crazy
Trytosaveabit OP Lnova : Halt was for R/S and convert shares for merger! And LUDP halts only happen 9:30/4:00 reg market hours
Lnova Trytosaveabit OP : yes that’s true, they can’t halt it again lol
AddiBee0925 : moomoo didn't give me my shares. so I'm sitting here watching money that I won't make. anyone else having this problem? the DTC needs to release some shares.
103918829 : Finally sold out all at 8, 13 and 18$
103137252 AddiBee0925 : same here
Trytosaveabit OP AddiBee0925 : I’ve had that problem here and so did @Jaguar8 and we raised holy hel*! I haven’t had it happen since! And I don’t believe he has either!
Trytosaveabit OP 103918829 : Very nicely done! Congrats
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