that's because they're trying to balance the buyers and sellers before they open it they're trying to come up with the price to maximize the revenue by the company and they're trying to maximize and match every buyer to a seller prior to the opening so you have an equal Market a balanced Market
101718992 : That’s because you are not subscribed to the NYSE open book
104257976 OP 101718992 : how do i get subscribed to that? or is that already over
101718992 104257976 OP : You have to pay
10baggerbamm : that's because they're trying to balance the buyers and sellers before they open it they're trying to come up with the price to maximize the revenue by the company and they're trying to maximize and match every buyer to a seller prior to the opening so you have an equal Market a balanced Market
Father 10baggerbamm : Well that’s dumb. Let it ride