104095646 : Now no one wants to keep this coin.
joe black8 OP : One financial crisis and this thing will drop faster then a hot potato, probably to 2k
Mihriam joe black8 OP :
Outfarer 104095646 : I do
HSC_hipot Outfarer : What benefits can there be to supporting a currency that is not controlled by the government and has drastic value fluctuations?
104095646 : Now no one wants to keep this coin.
joe black8 OP : One financial crisis and this thing will drop faster then a hot potato, probably to 2k
Mihriam joe black8 OP :
Outfarer 104095646 : I do
HSC_hipot Outfarer : What benefits can there be to supporting a currency that is not controlled by the government and has drastic value fluctuations?