Interesting link. I like that liquidity heat map they used on that site. I've never seen anything like that. It looks kind of like a gamma exposure map overlayed onto the chart. Pretty cool
Yes, I totally agree. The short squeeze hasn't obviously taken place yet since the predictions, but it seems imminent very soon... Fingers crossed... LFG!!!!!
AkLi : Polygon just caught a huge candle to the downside. Yes I post crypto charts too. But as for good news, its hard to find tbh
aoimizu AkLi : so a downturn possibility?
MoonWalker777 : https://www.coinlive.com/news/short-squeeze-alert-cryptocurrencies-on-the-brink-of-surge
SpyderCall OP AkLi : Yea, I follow you. I like your stuff, actually. It gets me thinking.
SpyderCall OP aoimizu : I'm not sure, to be honest.
SpyderCall OP MoonWalker777 : Interesting link. I like that liquidity heat map they used on that site. I've never seen anything like that. It looks kind of like a gamma exposure map overlayed onto the chart. Pretty cool
MoonWalker777 SpyderCall OP : Yes, I totally agree. The short squeeze hasn't obviously taken place yet since the predictions, but it seems imminent very soon... Fingers crossed... LFG!!!!!
SpyderCall OP MoonWalker777 : I hope we see a squeeze. I grabbed some exposure a few days ago. This crypto dip looked too appealing.
MoonWalker777 SpyderCall OP : Definitely. That's exactly what I did... Hope to grab some more...
AkLi SpyderCall OP : I appreciate the compliment!
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