Next, let's talk about how to make profits from time income: After reducing half of the holdings at high prices, the other half should not remain idle. I will mortgage the other half of the holdings to the brokerage and use the Covered Call options strategy to short sell call options and earn option premiums. Set the exercise price higher than the cost price and choose a distant exercise date. In this way, when the exercise date comes, either the stock price rises above the cost price and allows me to earn profits, or it remains the same and I earn 100% of the option premium. The option premium represents the time value. Either way, it's a win! It's better than doing nothing and waiting for the price to rise. Currently, the weekly K indicator has formed a dead cross ❌. As for how to handle it, everyone should make their own judgment. I will not reply to private messages!
财神爷心尖上的人 : Grandpa, I don't understand
双掌齐鸣笑大盘 OP 财神爷心尖上的人 : I don't understand my own understanding; I said it very clearly
财神爷心尖上的人 双掌齐鸣笑大盘 OP : eh
以誠相待 : 入点sell call and sell put无论涨跌都挣钱
jlx1314 财神爷心尖上的人 : This means that if you sell a call option, and sell it bullish, it means that the stock price falls below the exercise price you sold, because you are selling. If the stock price breaks above the exercise price you sold, the buyer will execute the rights like the seller, and the seller is obligated to cooperate. If the stock price is still below the seller's exercise price when it expires, then the buyer will not execute the rights, so when you sell the call option, the premium the buyer gives you is stable in your pocket![undefined [undefined]](
双掌齐鸣笑大盘 OP jlx1314 :![undefined [undefined]](