just my opinion. maybe people get in to entitle the dividend. after that stock price go down since there are people just go in take dividend then leaves. so holder may worry the drop of stock will excess the dividend holder receive. so better dump it before it too late. my 2 cent
Ahbuii : Now can't cut down, took dividends and lost stock price.
胆大心细 OP Ahbuii : 让我见识到什么是touch and go strategy
104232827 : What's coming?
Uncle Wong : Was there any news or rumour about anything?
胆大心细 OP : just my opinion. maybe people get in to entitle the dividend. after that stock price go down since there are people just go in take dividend then leaves. so holder may worry the drop of stock will excess the dividend holder receive. so better dump it before it too late. my 2 cent
mumu newbie : everyday dip abit abit. sien.
胆大心细 OP mumu newbie : you are not alone
Uncle Wong mumu newbie : Everyday dip dip buy abit
SWJesslyn 胆大心细 OP : my loss is even higher than the dividend
牛不吃草 mumu newbie : Its okay one of the top companies in Malaysia, high dividend too, can hold for months and see
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