105089326 : How many below
105089326 : Will it break 2600?
105089326 : 还是放弹而已
104681729 OP 105089326 : See if there's a chance to get to 10
匿名庄家 : It's about to rebound soon.
104681729 OP 匿名庄家 : It blew up once
lingxueer96 104681729 OP : You are too casual, a bit of a fence-sitter.
lingxueer96 104681729 OP :
104681729 OP lingxueer96 :
104681729 OP 104681729 OP : I should take care of it
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105089326 : How many below
105089326 : Will it break 2600?
105089326 : 还是放弹而已
104681729 OP 105089326 : See if there's a chance to get to 10
匿名庄家 : It's about to rebound soon.
104681729 OP 匿名庄家 : It blew up once
lingxueer96 104681729 OP : You are too casual, a bit of a fence-sitter.
lingxueer96 104681729 OP :
104681729 OP lingxueer96 :
104681729 OP 104681729 OP : I should take care of it
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