103548689 : how much
poorboyhasmoneybrain OP : 9 trillion = 9000 billion
nevermind da bollock : It seems like an exaggeration, but if it really happens, the price of XRP could be 250 USD
103119502 : I need $10,000 to be life changing…
Heretoearnkopimoney 103119502 : Me too 🥹
YUSRIZAL : it is just a claim...not realise yet.....
103548689 : how much
poorboyhasmoneybrain OP : 9 trillion = 9000 billion
nevermind da bollock : It seems like an exaggeration, but if it really happens, the price of XRP could be 250 USD
103119502 : I need $10,000 to be life changing…
Heretoearnkopimoney 103119502 : Me too 🥹
YUSRIZAL : it is just a claim...not realise yet.....