Sunny Opportunity : when is it going back up?
TradeGuyNick OP : I guess we will have to see.
BretterNow : No one’s selling it’s a buy zone
Sunny Opportunity TradeGuyNick OP : huh? you know when to sell, but you don't know when to buy?
TradeGuyNick OP : if u look at the pictures I share. i show you when to buy.
Sunny Opportunity : when is it going back up?
TradeGuyNick OP : I guess we will have to see.
BretterNow : No one’s selling it’s a buy zone
Sunny Opportunity TradeGuyNick OP : huh? you know when to sell, but you don't know when to buy?
TradeGuyNick OP : if u look at the pictures I share. i show you when to buy.