it means you can’t make a trade . traditionally if a stock is going up or down too rapidly. The system puts a halt or sometimes ive seen it called circuit breaker. in this case it might have dometjing to do with the reverse stock split happening in friday. plus there is no trading tomorrow. when did this occur ?
hippie in suit
for those wondering. tomorrow is the Reverse split. that's why they halted. idk why they halted early tho. 250 to 1. for every 250 you're holding you'll recieve 1 share at the new price. it could be good. it could be terrible. the new price is going to be around 12.
hippie in suit
Im a newbie but from what you explained, if I bought 1000 shares @0.185 and eventually 250 to 1 around $12. It’ll be game over for me :(
hippie in suit
most likely die off over the weeks. but with the new price, it could get some attention over the next couple days. but I'm just going off other companies that have had a reverse split. this is not good advice. we all are learning. lol
72119175 : it means you can’t make a trade . traditionally if a stock is going up or down too rapidly. The system puts a halt or sometimes ive seen it called circuit breaker. in this case it might have dometjing to do with the reverse stock split happening in friday. plus there is no trading tomorrow. when did this occur ?
103821296 OP : oh Thank you!!
Ghost2737 : Yet it wasn’t doing any of that when it was halted 10mins before close. I’m pissed
hippie in suit : for those wondering. tomorrow is the Reverse split. that's why they halted. idk why they halted early tho. 250 to 1. for every 250 you're holding you'll recieve 1 share at the new price. it could be good. it could be terrible. the new price is going to be around 12.
hippie in suit : be ready tomorrow or Monday for a pop then it's most likely going to die again
70108039 : halt news pending
151422960 hippie in suit : Im a newbie but from what you explained, if I bought 1000 shares @0.185 and eventually 250 to 1 around $12. It’ll be game over for me :(
Tonyco hippie in suit : yeah, I'm guessing it'll be shorted to shit over a few weeks. Be back under $5 eventually
hippie in suit 151422960 : you'll have 4 shares at 12.50. not entirely screwed yet. Just watch it close over the next few days
hippie in suit Tonyco : most likely die off over the weeks. but with the new price, it could get some attention over the next couple days. but I'm just going off other companies that have had a reverse split. this is not good advice. we all are learning. lol
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