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Y’all going to zero

$Phunware (PHUN.US)$ They gonna collect yall in a little bucket for 1-2 weeks then dump tf out of you in 1 fail swoop undoing all 2 weeks in a single hour. Your happiness will turn to regret and sorrow very soon. 😈🫵 Reminds me of TRKA leveling up from .10 to .99 over 10 days then getting obliterated at .99 and delisted after hiring lawyers to “combat short sellers”, doing offerinngs, etc etc theyre in the pinks now.
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  • 71633929 : way more volume here than trka

  • 73951086 : you scared shorties?

  • lSlippyl OP 73951086 : Shorts are better than long pants [undefined]

  • lSlippyl OP 71633929 : This will be PHUNQ by the end of February

  • Damian B : Sounds like a lot of money to make on the way up

  • lSlippyl OP Damian B : Except you won’t take profits because you’ll be convinced after multiple Green Day’s and pumpers in comments that it’s going to $1+ then you’ll get dumped on lmfao. I watch you little pumpers get rekt daily month after month. “Every stock is a 1000% gainer!!!” Clowns

  • Little Johnny : Doesn’t matter what they in 1-2 weeks as long as you are taking profits on the way up. If you don’t like the trade or the company don’t talk trash to the people that likes the trade. To each their own.

  • lSlippyl OP Little Johnny : Trash talkers are bears and non trash talkers are bulls. Keep crying that there’s a second opinion other than “we’re going to the moon.” Move along if you can’t handle other opinions, guarantee you get convinced this is now some great stock and lose it all.  Holders never sell!!

  • Little Johnny lSlippyl OP : I have sold this many times like I have scalped this one more then once, talk trash all you want what got me was calling people names and we are nobody’s with no money and we will never be anything more. I could care less about what anyone things of me, I have leave a good life and done seen parts of the world most will never see, done seen shit I can not unsee being a retired Army Vet leaving my best life at the age 42.  So talk all you want to about me and say what you want to about me but after open this stock done what I said it would do in my first statement to you and after open u never said anything else about it until close.

  • Little Johnny : There’s no hard feelings here, bear or bull we all here for the same reason to make money.

Emotionless Traders Dominate. 😘