ethu冲 : I didn't see your message to add a position, I didn't buy
Smua kasi ALLIN :
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP ethu冲 : I did not add positions because I have it lower,
ethu冲 ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP : 好吧
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP ethu冲 : How am I supposed to know each individuals trading situations… I am sorry, but ultimately it’s your responsibility. And if you believe this is Bull then it’s not too late. And go add now
Reds93 ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP :
BullBuyerShortSeller : Can hit 35 by eow ?
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP BullBuyerShortSeller : Not sure it needs to hit 31.5 first
Reds93 BullBuyerShortSeller : 70 by eow lmaoooo
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP Reds93 : That would generate massive money for me I would love that
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ethu冲 : I didn't see your message to add a position, I didn't buy
Smua kasi ALLIN :
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP ethu冲 : I did not add positions because I have it lower,
ethu冲 ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP : 好吧
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP ethu冲 : How am I supposed to know each individuals trading situations… I am sorry, but ultimately it’s your responsibility. And if you believe this is Bull
then it’s not too late. And go add now
Reds93 ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP :
BullBuyerShortSeller : Can hit 35 by eow ?
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP BullBuyerShortSeller : Not sure it needs to hit 31.5 first
Reds93 BullBuyerShortSeller : 70 by eow lmaoooo
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP Reds93 : That would generate massive money for me I would love that
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