Yesterday, I saw someone on X predicting BTC's price movement, suggesting that BTC is oscillating within a large range.
I drew it out and roughly estimated how high this range could go this time—it’s off the charts.
It’s really high, much higher than the recent bullish predictions from Wall Street.
It would be great if it actually reached that high.
EZ_money : what the heck is that
EZ_money : does anyone ever factor in other market dynamics? or they just blindly buying at a time the dollar is gaining strength?
BeeDeeVee712 EZ_money : But for real, I'd assume at least half the people with average knowledge or less of BTC/crypto that are buying right now are purely doing it based on the increase in the dollar.
EZ_money BeeDeeVee712 : that doesn't make sense if bitty is supposed to be a hedge against the falling dollar....if dollar goes up money will flow into bonds not bitty