THIS IS DE 2ND BEST : I think it's possible, as long as you believe it, the next 10 years will be the world of virtual currencies.
70205719 : The more dividends per month, the corresponding decrease in the stock price on the same day. I don't think it's worth holding for the long term. If you believe in MMFs, it's better to buy the corresponding stocks directly.
jasonstar75 : When interest rates are given, the price depreciates.
THIS IS DE 2ND BEST : I think it's possible, as long as you believe it, the next 10 years will be the world of virtual currencies.
70205719 : The more dividends per month, the corresponding decrease in the stock price on the same day. I don't think it's worth holding for the long term. If you believe in MMFs, it's better to buy the corresponding stocks directly.
jasonstar75 : When interest rates are given, the price depreciates.