pink parrot : can someone explain how this fund works?
RiskGame OP pink parrot : They trade mstr options plus they may buy mstr convertible notes to generate an income. Pays a monthly dividend.In other words, msty is trading the volatility of mstr to earn an income.
pink parrot RiskGame OP : thank you so much
NercZ24 RiskGame OP : I like how it's explained
10baggerbamm RiskGame OP : the convertible notes are zero coupon meaning they generate no income
pink parrot : can someone explain how this fund works?
RiskGame OP pink parrot : They trade mstr options plus they may buy mstr convertible notes to generate an income. Pays a monthly dividend.
In other words, msty is trading the volatility of mstr to earn an income.
pink parrot RiskGame OP : thank you so much
NercZ24 RiskGame OP : I like how it's explained
10baggerbamm RiskGame OP : the convertible notes are zero coupon meaning they generate no income