MR_6 : Just contacted customer service, and they said the payment will be issued either today or tomorrow.
104837030 OP : Thanks
happy go lucky 88 : how they know who the shareholder ? or all divident to share holder still on pending ?
104837030 OP : Dividend just received…
Father trader : I didn't.
104475952 : Received it this afternoon
VinceYeo Father trader : Dividend received on 11th Nov for me.
VinceYeo : Do check fund do check your fund details logs again to be sure. If you didn't receive it then the question is when you bought it. It must be bought ex-dividend date - 1 day.
Father trader : I bought it 2 before off ex date
Father trader : And sold on the declaration date.
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MR_6 : Just contacted customer service, and they said the payment will be issued either today or tomorrow.
104837030 OP : Thanks
happy go lucky 88 : how they know who the shareholder ? or all divident to share holder still on pending ?
104837030 OP : Dividend just received…
Father trader : I didn't.
104475952 : Received it this afternoon
VinceYeo Father trader : Dividend received on 11th Nov for me.
VinceYeo : Do check fund do check your fund details logs again to be sure. If you didn't receive it then the question is when you bought it. It must be bought ex-dividend date - 1 day.
Father trader : I bought it 2 before off ex date
Father trader : And sold on the declaration date.
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