Overall, the semiconductor system isn't good! I'm not doing well, I thought it was about time for Intel, but I can't see the future. Since there are no funds, quantum research is probably impossible, so I want a detonator. After all, computer CPUs are Intel!
pinkotu : Overall, the semiconductor system isn't good! I'm not doing well, I thought it was about time for Intel, but I can't see the future. Since there are no funds, quantum research is probably impossible, so I want a detonator. After all, computer CPUs are Intel!
ジュウスドイット OP : I'm pretty clueless, so I'm basically a rookie.
pinkotu ジュウスドイット OP : Let's do our best in 2025!
It's okay, did I finally recover the lost amount?
I think so. The year 2020 was long~
ジュウスドイット OP pinkotu : Hanako is ranked first at the age of 30, Intel!