103667371 : christmass eve and holiday
103128768 : Not a good sign, predict it will close in red
Datuk Seri Steave : where is strong selling?so much inflow
101493557 OP Datuk Seri Steave : Inflow doesnt mean its not strong selling lol
DSMC : It is to shakeout the weak hands
星河金图 : Why isn't it moving?
Datuk Seri Steave 101493557 OP : you are funny…..the result is up!
103667371 : christmass eve and holiday
103128768 : Not a good sign, predict it will close in red
Datuk Seri Steave : where is strong selling?so much inflow
101493557 OP Datuk Seri Steave : Inflow doesnt mean its not strong selling lol
DSMC : It is to shakeout the weak hands
星河金图 : Why isn't it moving?
Datuk Seri Steave 101493557 OP : you are funny…..the result is up!