105039315 : Don't sell. It will goes up to 2.75 end of day
103128768 : Why sell too early. It will hit 2.90 then only profit taking trend
103840772 : why u shoot so early?
104894093 : same kick me out at 2.6
Kaibotski 103840772 : premature E
103667371 : man the company stable right now why u sell
江鱼 : How much did you earn?
105039315 : Don't sell. It will goes up to 2.75 end of day
103128768 : Why sell too early. It will hit 2.90 then only profit taking trend
103840772 : why u shoot so early?
104894093 : same kick me out at 2.6
Kaibotski 103840772 : premature E
103667371 : man the company stable right now why u sell
江鱼 : How much did you earn?