104176179 :
105234247 : Do you have any recommendations to buy for less money and sell how much
CY1234 OP 105234247 : I'm not going to do wave, long-term investments. This stock can reach 5.5 or even 6.5 in a year
财神送钱 CY1234 OP :
JayMoon07 : Ride a roller coaster together or?
RaymondSpeng : Up up up
CY1234 OP : Suddenly in free fall, the roller coaster is flawless.
104176179 :
105234247 : Do you have any recommendations to buy for less money and sell how much
CY1234 OP 105234247 : I'm not going to do wave, long-term investments. This stock can reach 5.5 or even 6.5 in a year
财神送钱 CY1234 OP :
JayMoon07 : Ride a roller coaster together or?
RaymondSpeng : Up up up
CY1234 OP : Suddenly in free fall, the roller coaster is flawless.