If the financial report still shows that the stock price is very cheap and worth buying, then just buy on the dips, regardless of how big the selling pressure is, just wait for the institutional investors to enter. It's not the banks entering the market, but the banker chips as the institutional investors.
102932551 :
Is QR code still useful at this time?
Sorry’ 102932551 : qr is quarter report....
102932551 Sorry’ : It's no use... it's useless to get results, and the group is unable to beat sales pressure
Sorry’ 102932551 : just see whether its still worth or not, i only know undervalued stocks just buy and wait until the banker chips come in
102932551 Sorry’ : 你在说什么?等待银行股的来临?这只股集团都没能力顶卖压,试问还有目的前途吗?
Sorry’ 102932551 : If the financial report still shows that the stock price is very cheap and worth buying, then just buy on the dips, regardless of how big the selling pressure is, just wait for the institutional investors to enter. It's not the banks entering the market, but the banker chips as the institutional investors.
102932551 Sorry’ : Banks can't resist the selling pressure, what future is there?
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