Mr White-33 : Go Big or Go Home
TheLittleOne : P & D
Coulson Mr White-33 : Looks like they're going home
Skyzero OP : Expected but I believe will bounce back
Mr White-33 Coulson : Ya man , Bloodbath
Skyzero OP : Ya..pain but more pain and more gain
Skyzero OP Coulson : This is hell !! Not home..
Mr White-33 : Go Big or Go Home
TheLittleOne : P & D
Coulson Mr White-33 : Looks like they're going home
Skyzero OP : Expected but I believe will bounce back
Mr White-33 Coulson : Ya man , Bloodbath
Skyzero OP : Ya..pain but more pain and more gain
Skyzero OP Coulson : This is hell !! Not home..